Mazniac & Dark Dome English Wiki
  • The new room that I have entered, still inside the maze that I was trapped in, was huge as the walls were pure white with some visible cracks around. It seemed so much like the games that I have played. And now here I am… being the playable character. I look around and see some other things: there were some lights above the edges and corners of the whole room – so it would not be that dark. At least he let me have that, I thought to myself. I go forward, my heels almost sliding across the floors as I move my feet up to make steps. As I analyze the room I could not see anything that I would grab or have to take with me. Perhaps it is going to be in another room? I reach to the next opened door and peeked inside. But all I could see was darkness. Hm? Why is it dark? Is there something inside here that I should not see or is there something inside that could see me? Fear captures me unprepared and was playing with the strings – as if I would be a marionette. But I pushed through and made a step inside. Bright white color pops on and I could soon see the whole room in light. So the lights are automatic, I told myself. When my eyes quickly adapt by the brightness, I start to move them around quickly too see if I am in some kind of danger. But there was nothing. Only some things that were laying around – a wrench, a long rope, a boomerang, a slingshot, and a small rock. As I was walking to these objects, that were scattered around the place, I remind myself of another piece of evidence I have had written in my papers.

There were four. Four boys. Having one big dream together. And that dream was washed away in one single day.

Peru Map

The map of Peru Source:

Before they known about each other, each of the boys had their own life. Still young, they were having fun and explore many things. Life in Peru was not so pleasant as they believed, but through their still pure souls and child-like spirits, they only saw the beauty and explorations of the city. Tho they did not live in the same neighborhood, nor visit the same elementary school together. Their parents were not rich at all, they were poor people, but still thankfully living under a roof. They had to work a lot just to finance everything; paying the bills, buying food and clothes, paying the scholarship, and others. They did not have a lot of time with their kids, not enough money to bring home a nanny to look after them, so they left them running in the streets and coming home at a precise hour. As the years go by, the boys were transmitted to high school. And in that school, they finally meet each other. They had classes together, meaning that they would bond with each other more and being best friends together. Each one of them had different talents; Lucas know how to make codes to make everything playable and everything to move, Flash being the one who could make 3-D models, Tony being the artist as he liked to draw many things, and Spark being the one who had the biggest imagination and a true leader of the team. With all of these qualities, Spark began to think that they could do something together. But what? Through times as

Inkagames whole team

All of the Inka Game Team Source:

the four friends went back to their homes, Spark went the long way of the path trying to figure out things. What would they do together? Upon going this path, he would saw people all around. They were so poor they were living in the streets. No future ahead of them. Just asking people for money or food to survive. As he went forward, he would see workers; working in building constructions and people working as waiters and as there was a rush hour at this time, he saw loads of people walking around. But they all had one thing common – they seemed sad. On their faces, there was no sign of any happiness or smiles, only sadness. This made even Spark sad as he slowly walks to his home. All of these people, just sad in their life…. Where was the happiness that once was before? Where did it go?

  • As I grab the last remaining object of the floor, I went forward on my quest. I had a six sense telling me, that soon enough I will be battling some goons for my survival. I went past the second opened doors now and the lights pop on automatically again. It was making me nervous as any time now, there could be someone waiting for me in the dark and before the lights would light up, they would catch me. I shake my head and try to hinder these gruesome thoughts. My eyes than walk around the room and already I could see things getting pretty difficult. In the room, there were now three doors on each side – on my left, straight, and on my right. But what was really catching my eyes was, that all of the openings had metal doors – they were all closed. What does this mean? Will there be keys to open up these doors or something? I make a deep breath through my nose and fill my lungs with calmness as I slowly start to step to the first door at my left. And once I was standing near it, the metal doors quickly go up and I could see another dark room. I made a step back, as I didn't want to go inside that room yet, and as I was some feet away from them, they close down again. I could feel a woodpecker slowly knocking on my head as I was trying to think what it would mean. And for better reasoning, I walked to the next door and stand in front of it, and the door pops open. I did the same with the next and final one, and this door also opens when I was close to it. So that would mean that all of the doors can open automatically if I am standing near it. But that would also mean, that I have to be careful with choosing a door because when I get inside I might not be able to get it opened from the inside and would be stuck in that chosen room. God, I hate to choose. I take my place in the center, so I would have all three doors in my reach of view, and just calm myself by breathing deeply. I knew that I had a very strong intuition and I really needed that to help me right now. Help me to choose the right room. I could feel some tension pulling me towards the doors, but only one door had the tension that was drawing me towards it. So I choose that door. I come to it and stand in front as the metal doors, the one on my right side that I have chosen, open up and could see only darkness. I keep my confidence inside me and step into the room as the metal doors close behind me.
IBM computer

IMB personal comuter Source:

After he came to his home, he saw that his parents were not yet home. He sighs and goes to his room. Once there, he throws his school bag on the floor and puts his jacket on his chair. He sits on the chair and turns his face to his computer. It was the first IBM personal computer with a very thick and hard shell and a monitor with a keyboard. He was so happy for him to have it, as he bought it half with his own money, as he worked some small jobs and helped people and half the money from his parents that gave him. He could do some things on it but had to wait a long time till it made something or just startup. But he did not care, he could wait and have patience. And once the computer starts up, he could go and search through it, but his favorite thing he liked to do was going on the internet and play games. And he needed it now so that he would replace his sadness with excitement. His favorite game was only a simple and quick game – shooting down some zombies that tried to take over the world. And as he was done, he wandered through the other sites to see other games and who developed them. As he played yet another game, again to his thoughts came the visions of the poor and saddened people he saw roaming the streets. Well, at least he was having a great time now.



And as he said that to himself, he could hear a click in his brain – connecting the dots. Perhaps, if the people would play games they would not be sad anymore. They would be excited, even happy! He finally got an answer he was asking himself all of this time. And with the help of his friends, maybe they could make some games together. On the next day at school, Spark rushed to his friends and told them his idea. At first, the others were a bit skeptical. Them? Making games? They don't know how to make them. But with Spark persisting and telling them his imaginations of their own series of games, they came to a conclusion, that they will try it out. As days came to weeks and weeks came to months, soon the four boys made their own short but exciting game – with moving a character to various hallways and he had to grab some items and at the end shoot some zombies. It was a start, and no budget on it they wanted to make the people happy. And they soon saw that what they were doing made them even happier. Perhaps they could make more games for people to play, with different characters and making a series out of it. For months they were developing games, yet their only development name was Team. But together they would make a whole new company name, and they called it



Inkagames; as they lived in the Inka region and were developing games, a fun twist of words. In the next year, they decided that they needed to come closer together if they want their company to succeed. So they rent a building, had their computers in it and continued to work. They were starting to get noticed by people around Peru and marveled at their work. Some were still astonished that these young people at the age of fifteen could make these kinds of games from scratch.

  •  I was now standing in place, in the darkened room by myself, with nowhere to go. My heart beats like a drum-roll at a rock concert and was just waiting for something to come and get me. With me being nervous and my other senses came out sharp – as my eyes could not see anything. As my hearing was the sharpest, I would go with it as I stand in place. Everything was quiet, I could only hear myself breathing through my nose. I couldn't just stand there for a lifetime!, I said to myself and as frightened as I was, I made a brave move and step with one foot forward. And as soon as I did that I could hear two pairs of footsteps – but not normal ones, mechanical ones. I shocked as I did not know what was happening nor what had done that. So I made another step forward, and the mechanical feet also made a step forward. Through the second move, I could hear where the moves were coming from. The steps were coming from each side, tho they were far away, they were coming close. I make another step. The steps made too; with those mechanical feet that actually stomp on the ground hard. There were two mechanical beings. Robots that heavy? Another step and they made it too. They were coming more closer. I could not hear any other machinery around me neither their mechanics as I thought I would. I stood on the spot for a bit, wanting to see if they would move. But they did not. So that would mean that they have a movement sensor, or maybe they could just hear things? Thoughts began to invade my head, as I was thinking of a solution. If I would make another step, they would be right beside me and could do something to me. I moved my right hand a bit next to my pocket, dragging it across, and could feel a bump. It made me remember that I had some stuff with me that I grabbed. The solution came with a click. The rock. The slingshot. I could use them! I slowly and gently as possible grab the head of the slingshot and move it out of my pocket, and then I did the same with the small pebble. I had to be careful when pulling out the pebble and having it in my hand, as I didn't want to lose it. I would then glide my thumb across the head of the slingshot and feel where the rubber band was; gliding through it and soon I would feel a small space in the middle. It was meant for the object to be locked and loaded. So I carefully put the pebble in the space and slowly turn to my left. Nothing happened yet but I could imagine I was facing one of the robots now. I then move slightly more left, so now I was positioned diagonally. If I was correct, there should be a corner. I move the loaded slingshot as I was also gripping hold of the rubber with the pebble. I then start pulling it back, so it would have more tension and the rock would fly with high speed. I aim it in the direction of the corner and as I was ready, release it. The rubber made a sound, but not the same sound as the pebble did when it hurled at the wall, echoing through the room. Two seconds have passed and I could hear the two mechanical beings turning and walking their way to the corner. Relief came to me as I heard the two going more further away from me as possible. Now for the second plan.

Spark's imaginations were also caught by some movies that he and the others were watching, and through it, they made some scenes similar to some movie scenes. And as they were making some new games, one of which the story tells about a villain kidnapping some famous people, someone else was watching their work. And not soon enough, as they finished the work of their first episode of the newest game and left it on the internet for people to play it, someone left a sign inside the game. As in the next day, the four friends wanted to make a new game, Lucas went to check a few things on the last night's game and found something strange. He told it to Spark but soon both agreed it was probably just a bug and fixed it briefly. As the second game was being made and then published, the same problem was spotted in it. They fixed it, and as they made yet a third game in this franchise, the problem was shown again. This time Spark and Lucas came together and searched around to see where this bug was coming from. And


Hacker Source:

in their research they have found that someone was hacking in their system, making some scenes different than before. They have contacted this person, telling him, to back off of their project. But still, after more games of the same franchise were uploaded, the mysterious programmer was still making some scenes different. Spark did not like that and wanted to confront the person again when Flash told him that he needs to see something. The ratings on the games, of the franchise, was growing – meaning more people were playing their games, actually liking them with the way they are made. Spark now had a different view on the person who was hacking their games, perhaps he may help their small company. So he contacted him and asked him if he would work with them and be a team. The mysterious person agreed on the deal and soon enough their franchises were named SAW GAMES. The people loved the games and wanted them to make more and more of them, so they can play them and be happy. The team was thrilled to hear that and made fan requests come true.



Time went by and the person who had been hacking their programs, now helping them and making himself come in front as the villain in the games, wanted more from the games. After talking to the team, they all agreed that he can change some stuff if he wants to, but not everything. So the programmer did just that. In each new game, he changed only a little stuff, so the game would be more exciting for people – and as the reviews were showing, it made good. The four friends thought that everything was going just fine and well, not seeing the reality of what the programmer had in his sleeve. As they were not very careful of looking in the previous games they have created, the person made more changes, so much that the teams' idea went out of the script and re-write a new one, wanting the game to be more realistic and not just as a game. Soon enough the programmer started to steal their games and rewrite them as his, breaking codes of characters to make them more alive and free. As the Inka Team, as the four friends tell themselves to be, made great heroes, the programmer made frightening villains as well as putting himself inside the game more.



The person even stole from the team some ideas, that were written on the paper or some new characters and claims them as his own. Before one day, as Flash went to look at the previous games they had made, he was shocked as to how much they have changed – going over and beyond the storylines, they have once created. He quickly told that to Spark and the others and upon seeing the changes, they really had a bad feeling. They have confronted with the person again and made him stop what he was doing. But because they were still so young, they could not call the police or get a lawyer, so they had to make something together. They blocked the programmer with very powerful anti-virus and encrypt their hard drives with built-in programs so he could not do anything with the games. As they have done that they were free of him once and for all, and they could make new games all by themselves again.

  • I turn around again, where I was before; looking directly where the next doors would have been. Perhaps the two mechanical beings would find out that it was only a strategy to keep them busy or come back to where they were. I only knew that I did not have time to waste. I had a plan already, tho I did not know if its gonna be the best one. I prepare myself and the second I heard how one of the robots turned I started to sprint. The second robot also turned around and as both of them heard the movements they start to chase; walking very fast and making hard and solid steps that echoed around thus made the ground shake. I have not run for quite some time, but if I see that I was in danger, I allow my feet to bring me to safety. I'm gonna make it, I said to myself. I could still hear how the two beings were chasing behind me. Seconds count as I reached to the doors and they start to open up, making some light around the corners of the doors to let me see that the doors were, in fact, going up. I immediately got inside the other room and turn around to see if the beings would follow me. I could still hear them coming; their hard stomps coming up close. I would look at the doors and they were lifted up. Come on, close, I thought and pray. The two were hurrying their way to me. I, on the other hand, made some steps back, so if they would come through, I would run again, even if I was already out of breath. They were already coming to the light. They were so close I could see some of the colors they had, but the doors closed immediately before I would even see them whole. I made a large sigh of relief to see that I made it. But soon enough I would see a color below me. I look down and would see a light blue square color. As my instinct kicked in, I jump right off of it and onto the solid ground. I turn around and look at the colorful square again. It would then disappear and in a second a square right in front of it would light up with the same color. I was confused about what was happening. As that color square then disappeared another square in front of it lit up. I watch it closely. It would go off and then the square on the left would lit up. This would go on and on in different ways: left, left, up, up, right, up, right, down, right, up, up, left, up, up. Then as the last square would disappear I could see the next doors light up. So this is kind of a memory game, I thought. I am supposed to remember the patterns of where these colorful squares were and hit each of them correctly so that I would come to the doors. I clear my mind of fear and only had the squares in my mind and where they were located. I then made the first move up front where the first square was and it shines light blue. I was on the right path. I went on; two times I hit the front squares, and it made three squares straight. Then I went left and that square lit up blue. Okay, I got this. I was starting to go by the pattern in my head.
Inka Team confused

Confused Inka Team Source:

Days went by and Tony, as the team's artist found out that his newest character design was nowhere to be found, but before he would turn around he was immediately grabbed by two hands from the back and take him out. And soon enough all four friends were brought up in one single maze, asking each other what happened and how they came here, and the answer came soon up as they saw a familiar face. It was their main villain in the games they have designed and now he came for them to take his revenge. Now the boys were the ones that were trapped inside a game and had to play the villains twisted game. And after they have finished it, thinking it was over, the villains motive was just set up. He wanted them to be inside the game, as it was his plan to make them one of his own characters. His own puppets.

Puppet on a string

Puppet on a string Source:

They were now trapped - like collectible toys that are still inside a plastic box; while the villain was making his mark on every new game, making the audience see that it was still the Team that was making the game, but it was him doing it all. For what meaningful reason? Because of-

  • The square under me colored itself red. Oh no, I hit the wrong one. I was supposed to go up at the second to the very last one, but I jumped left. My eyes then tore away from the square I was on and tried to jump at the right square, but I could soon see that the squares around me, and the path that I made, colored in blue, was starting to crumble and fall deep down. Oh crap. I could already feel the square I was on, start to crumble. I had nowhere to go!
  • >>Hey!<< someone screamed.

I look up and I could see someone standing at the solid ground next to the doors. I could not see who it was, but I could notice that the person was tall and slim.

  • >>You have to jump! I will catch you!<<
  • >>What??<< I asked confused and a bit deaf as the only things that I could hear were the squares breaking down.
  • >>Jump! I will catch you!<< said the person wrapped in shadow.

I don't trust people that easy in my life, but I hadn't had much choice if I want to trust this guy or not. The square was already falling apart beneath me so I jumped as high as the square breaks into small pieces and falls deep down. The person reached for me as I stretch my arms at him. He grabs me before I would even tumble down the empty space and pull me up. I was safe! We both stammer more to the doors and they start to lift up.

  • >>Thank you. I would be a goner if I would not do that<< I admit.
  • >>It's okay. You are safe now<< the person said as the light from the doors starts to light our faces and bodies.
  • >>Who are you anyway?<< I asked as I was done breathing deeply and bowing my head down, to calm myself, as I straighten up and look at the figure's face.

I could see the person right in front of me and it almost had me fall on my butt, but I embraced my balance.

  • >>Cody Jones?<<

The previous story-theory, number one

The previous story-theory, number two

Edit: Some of the information about the team's lives are created by pure imagination, as it is not confirmed by anyone, and mostly not by the Inkagames. I made this theory a bit different from the others, as I want to bring more story upon it, and to make everyone see the origins of how Inka Team were created. And to see if this kind of writing is exceptional. The Copyright of every character inside this story is from Inkagames as I do not own any character (except myself).

Valentin girl (talk) 22:12, March 6, 2020 (UTC)
